Auto Start
The vehicle also has an Auto Start feature. The engine
will remain off while in Auto Stop mode until vehicle
conditions require the engine to run. The near-instant
starting of the engine from Auto Stop mode is called
Auto Start. Some of the vehicle conditions that
may cause the engine to Auto Start are:
• The hood is opened.
• The gear selector is in M (Manual Mode) or
R (Reverse).
• The hybrid battery state of charge is too low.
• The hybrid battery voltage, temperature or power
limits are exceeded.
• The engine is not at operating temperature.
• Acceleration demands require the use of the engine.
EV Mode
The vehicle also has an EV mode which uses only the
electric motor to move the vehicle. Depending on
the state of battery charge, the vehicle can travel up to
two miles (3.2 km) in EV mode. EV mode is unavailable
when the vehicle is out of fuel.
With light acceleration, the vehicle will drive in EV mode.
If increased acceleration is required, or the vehicle
reaches approximately 25 mph (40 km/h), the engine
will start automatically. The engine shuts off at speeds
below 25 mph (40 km/h) unless the transmission is
in M (Manual Mode) or Auto Stop is disabled.
During heavy acceleration, both the engine and hybrid
electric motors supply power. A sensation similar to
a transmission gear change can be felt as the
transmission changes modes. Engine RPM may remain
above 4,000 RPM for a longer period during hard