stA N d A r d A N d AVAiLAbLE fEAturEs
p64 19" 15-spoke machined aluminum S S –
p6A 19" 9-spoke chrome-clad aluminum – A S
ppE 20" chrome-clad aluminum
– – A
tirE sEALANt ANd iNfLAtor kit S – –
WhEEL Spare, compact, steel A S S
cxL 1
cxL 2
cx, cx L1, cxL 2
spEcificAtioNs ANd cApAcitiEs
ENgiNE typE 3.6L VVT V-6 direct injection
horsEpoWEr 288 @ 6300 rpm
(hp @ rpm)
270 lb-ft @ 3400 rpm
(Lb-ft @ rpm)
EpA-EstimAtEd mpg 17 city/24 hwy FWD
16 city/22 hwy AWD
cArgo VoLumE (cu. ft.)
115 behind 1st-row seats with 2nd and 3rd row folded
65.9 behind 2nd-row seat with 3rd row folded
23.3 behind 3rd-row seat
sEAtiNg cApAcity 2/2/3 or 2/3/3 (front/middle/rear)
fuEL tANk (Approx.) 22 gallons
bAsE curb WEight 4,780 CX, CXL FWD
4,980 CX, CXL AWD
mAx. trAiLEr WEight
4,500-lbs rating with available Trailering
Provision Package (2,000 lbs without package)
p6 4 19" p 6A 19 " pp E 2 0"
dimENsioNs (iNchEs)
WhEELbAsE 118.9
oVErALL LENgth 201.8
body Width 79.0
oVErALL hEight, With LuggAgE rAck 72.5
oVErALL hEight, W/o LuggAgE rAck 69.6
miNimum grouNd cLEArANcE 8.4
hEAd room, 1st roW 40.4
hEAd room, 2Nd roW, With suNroof 38.7
hEAd room, 2Nd roW, W/o suNroof 39.3
hEAd room, 3rd roW 37.7
shouLdEr room, 1st roW 62.0
shouLdEr room, 2Nd roW 61.4
shouLdEr room, 3rd roW 57.4
hip room, 1st roW 57.4
hip room, 2Nd roW 57.0
hip room, 3rd roW 48.3
LEg room, 1st roW 41.3
LEg room, 2Nd roW 36.9
LEg room, 3rd roW 33.2
Since some information may have been updated since
the time of printing (July 2010), please check with
your Buick dealer for complete details. Buick reserves
the right to lengthen or shorten the model year for
any product for any reason, or to start and end model
years at different times.
for GM vehicles registered in the U.S.A. See your Buick
dealer for terms and conditions.
A 5-year/100,000-mile (whichever comes first)
Transferable Powertrain Limited Warranty plus Roadside
Assistance and Courtesy Transportation.
Covered for 4 years/50,000 miles (whichever comes
first): The complete vehicle | Cosmetic corrosion resulting
from defects | Tires | Repairs made to correct any
vehicle defect | Towing to your nearest Buick dealership
| No charge for most warranty repairs
Covered for 6 years/100,000 miles (whichever comes
first): Rust-through corrosion
Installations or alterations to the original
equipment vehicle (or chassis) as distributed by
General Motors are not covered by the General Motors
New-Vehicle Limited Warranty. The special body
company, assembler, equipment installer or upfitter is
solely responsible for warranties on the body or equipment
and any alterations (or any effect of the alterations)
to any of the parts, components, systems or assemblies
installed by GM. General Motors is not responsible
for the safety or quality of design features, materials
or workmanship of any alterations by such suppliers.
ASSEMBLY. Buick vehicles and their components are
assembled or produced by different operating units of
General Motors, its subsidiaries or suppliers to GM
worldwide. We sometimes find it necessary to produce
Buick vehicles with different or differently sourced
components than originally scheduled. Since some
options may be unavailable when your vehicle is
assembled, we suggest that you verify that your vehicle
includes the equipment you ordered or, if there are
changes, that they are acceptable to you.
ENGINES. Buick products are equipped with engines
produced by GM Powertrain or other suppliers to
GM worldwide. The engines in Buick products may
also be used in other GM makes and models.
Please go to buick.com and carefully review the vehicle
Owner’s Manual for important safety information about
trailering or off-road driving in your vehicle.
A NOTE ABOUT CHILD SAFET Y. Always use safety belts
and the correct restraint for your child’s age and size.
Even in vehicles equipped with the Passenger Sensing
System, children are safer when properly secured in
a rear seat in the appropriate infant, child or booster seat.
Never place a rear-facing infant restraint in the front
seat of any vehicle equipped with a passenger air bag.
See the Owner’s Manual and child safety seat instructions
for more safety information.
FLEET ORDERS. Some standard content may be deleted
with fleet orders. See dealer for details.
Center at My GMLink is an online service that helps you
make the most of your vehicle ownership.
Sign up for e-mail reminders about service visits |
Keep an online history of services performed | Read
your vehicle Owner’s Manual, warranty and more online |
Receive the recall notices that apply only to your
vehicle | Watch do-it-yourself videos and much more.
Register today at mygmlink.com.
GM, the GM logo, Buick, the Buick emblem, OnStar, the
OnStar emblem and the slogans, emblems, vehicle model
names, vehicle body designs and other marks appearing
in this catalog are the trademarks and/or service marks
of General Motors, its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors.
The XM name and related logos are registered trademarks
of XM Satellite Radio, Inc. Facebook is a registered
trademark of Facebook, Inc. iPod is a registered trademark
of Apple, Inc. ©2010 General Motors. All rights reserved.
Litho in U.S.A., July 2010.
To learn more about why Goodwrench service is
the perfect companion for your Enclave, click on
Use only GM-approved tire and wheel combinations. For important tire and wheel information, go to
gmaccessorieszone.com or see your dealer for details.
Cargo and load capacity limited by weight and
Maximum trailer weight ratings are calculated assuming a base vehicle, except for any
option(s) necessary to achieve the rating, plus driver. The weight of other optional equipment, passengers and
cargo will reduce the maximum trailer weight your vehicle can tow. See your dealer for additional details.
S = Standard A = Available – = Not Available