CHEVROLET Inspection
4th Service Check 2 years / 30000 kms whichever occurs earlier
VIN ______________________________________________
Regn. No.__________________________________________
Delivery date _______________________________________
Date of service _____________________________________
Kms _____________________________________________
I confirm that the job has been attended to my satisfaction.
Customer’s Signature
Labour & Parts are chargeable
(Retain with job card)
CHEVROLET Inspection
3rd Service Check 1.5 years/22500 kms whichever occurs earlier
VIN ______________________________________________
Regn. No.__________________________________________
Delivery date _______________________________________
Date of service _____________________________________
Kms _____________________________________________
I confirm that the job has been attended to my satisfaction.
Customer’s Signature
Labour & Parts are chargeable
(Retain with job card)
Service and Warranty 12-17