1-12 Keys, Doors and Windows
damaged. See your CHEVROLET
retailer who can service the theft-
deterrent system and have a new key
Do not leave the key or device that
disarms or deactivates the theft-deter-
rent system in the vehicle.
The engine is automatically immo-
bilized after the key is turned to LOCK
and has been removed from the ignition
The immobilizer light, located in the
instrument panel cluster, comes on if
there is a problem with arming or
disarming the theft-deterrent system.
See Immobilizer Light on page 4-28.
When trying to start the vehicle, the
immobilizer light comes on briefly
when the ignition is turned on.
If the engine does not start and the
immobilizer light stays on, there is a
problem with the system. Turn the
ignition off and try again.
If the engine still does not start, and the
key appears to be undamaged, try
another ignition key.
If the engine still does not start and the
light continues to stay on with the other
key, the vehicle needs service. If the
vehicle does start, the first key may be
A convex mirror can make things,
like other vehicles, look farther away
than they really are. If you cut too
sharply into the right lane, you could
hit a vehicle on the right. Check the
inside mirror or glance over your
shoulder before changing lanes.
Both passenger and driver outside
mirrors are convex shaped.
The convex exterior mirror reduces
blind spots. The shape of the mirror
makes object appear smaller, which
will affect the ability to estimate