(800)-248-8785 • www.obschevy.com
P.O. Box 68 • Nashville, GA 31639-0068 • (229) 686-5812 • Fax: (229) 686-3056
14.832 – Owners Manuals
1929 ................................. POM29 10.00 ea
1930 ................................. POM30 10.00 ea
1931 ................................. POM31 10.00 ea
1932 ................................. POM32 10.00 ea
1933 Master ............... POM33MST 10.00 ea
1933 Standard .............POM33STD 10.00 ea
1934 Master ............... POM34MST 10.00 ea
1934 Standard .............POM34STD 10.00 ea
1935 Master ............... POM35MST 10.00 ea
1935 Standard .............POM35STD 10.00 ea
1936 ................................. POM36 10.00 ea
1937 ................................. POM37 10.00 ea
................ POM38 10.00 ea
1939 ................................. POM39 10.00 ea
1940 ................................. POM40 10.00 ea
1941 ................................. POM41 10.00 ea
1942 ................................. POM42 10.00 ea
1946 ................................. POM46 10.00 ea
1947 ................................. POM47 10.00 ea
1948 ................................. POM48 10.00 ea
1949 ................................. POM49 10.00 ea
................ POM50 10.00 ea
1951 ................................. POM51 10.00 ea
................ POM52 10.00 ea
1953 ................................. POM53 10.00 ea
1954 ................................. POM54 10.00 ea
1955 ................................. POM55 10.00 ea
................ POM56 10.00 ea
................ POM57 10.00 ea
Chevy Cars by the Numbers
A listing of casting numbers for engine blocks,
transmissions, manifolds, water pump, rear axle
etc. Also includes information for decoding VIN
numbers. Each book contains information for Chevy
Impalas and BelAirs, Chevy II, Chevelle, Camaro and
Pictured, left to right
1955-59 Chevrolet Cars by the Numbers ...................GC59 53.85 ea
1960-64 Chevrolet Cars by the Numbers ...................GC64 53.85 ea
1965-69 Chevrolet Cars by the Numbers ...................GC69 53.85 ea
1970-75 Chevrolet Cars by the Numbers ...................GC75 35.00 ea
Sales Brochures
Full Color reprint of GM promotional literature
shows all body styles, models and colors as original.
1932 ...................................................................PSB32 6.25
1933 ...................................................................PSB33 8.00
1934 ...................................................................PSB34 6.25
1935 Standard .....................................................PSB35 8.00
1936 ...................................................................PSB36 10.00
1937 ...................................................................PSB37 10.00
1938 ...................................................................PSB38 10.00
1939 ...................................................................PSB39 10.00
1940 ...................................................................PSB40 10.00
1941 ...................................................................PSB41 10.00
1941 Fleetline ................PSB41FLE 4.65 ea
1942 .................................. PSB42 10.00 ea
1946 .................................. PSB46 10.00 ea
................. PSB47 10.00 ea
1948 .................................. PSB48 10.00 ea
1949 .................................. PSB49 8.00 ea
1950 .................................. PSB50 8.00 ea
1951 .................................. PSB51 8.00 ea
1952 .................................. PSB52 8.00 ea
1953 .................................. PSB53 8.00 ea
1954 .................................. PSB54 8.00 ea
1955 .................................. PSB55 6.00 ea
................. PSB56 6.00 ea
1956 Station Wagon ...... PSB56SW 6.00 ea
................. PSB57 6.00 ea
1957 Station Wagon ...... PSB57SW 6.00 ea
GM Accessory Brochure
Reprint of GM promotional
literature on the GM accessories
for the year.
.................................................GMA55 8.00 ea
1956 ..................................................................GMA56 8.00 ea
1957 ..................................................................GMA57 12.00 ea
14.834 – I.D. Catalogs
These I.D. catalogs are loaded with thousands of specs
to decode the VIN codes and trim tags to determine
assembly plant, engines, paint colors and upholstery
combinations. Each volume contains over 200 photos
to make it easy to identify all models.
1960-69 American Car ID Book
..........6069CARID 29.95 ea
1964-87 Chevelle ID Book ... 6487AID 24.95 ea
1970-79 American
Car ID Book ........7079CARID 29.95 ea
1955-93 V8 Casting Numbers
................. V8ECN 24.95 ea