Jims Chevrolet Parts
New - Used - “Quality” Reproductions
Jim Matus, OwnerJim Matus, Owner
Jim Matus, OwnerJim Matus, Owner
Jim Matus, Owner
2235 Cemo Circle • Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Phone 916. 635.8790 • Toll Free 800.748.6509 • Fax 916.635.1664
Directions from ReddingDirections from Redding
Directions from ReddingDirections from Redding
Directions from Redding
• Take I-5 South to I-80 East to Reno,
• Take Hwy. 50 to Lake Tahoe exiting on Sunrise Blvd. North (turn left)
• Take a right on Coloma Rd. and left on Cemo Circle.
Directions from RenoDirections from Reno
Directions from RenoDirections from Reno
Directions from Reno
• Take I-80 South to the Hwy 50 interchange.
• Take Hwy. 50 to Lake Tahoe exiting on Sunrise Blvd. North (turn left)
• Take a right on Coloma Rd. and left on Cemo Circle
Directions from StocktonDirections from Stockton
Directions from StocktonDirections from Stockton
Directions from Stockton
• Take Hwy. 99 North to Grantline Road.
• Head East on Grantline Road till Sunrise Blvd. and turn left,
• Take a right on Coloma Rd. and left on Cemo Circle.
Directions from Bay AreaDirections from Bay Area
Directions from Bay AreaDirections from Bay Area
Directions from Bay Area
• Take I-80 East to the Hwy 50 interchange.
• Take Hwy. 50 to Lake Tahoe exiting on Sunrise Blvd. North (turn left)
• Take a right on Coloma Rd. and left on Cemo Circle
Store hours:Store hours:
Store hours:Store hours:
Store hours:
Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm, Thursday 9am - 6 pm
and Saturday 9am - 1 pm