Tires (cont.)
Different Size ........................................... 394
If a Tire Goes Flat ................................... 399
Inflation - Tire Pressure ............................ 384
Inspection and Rotation ............................ 390
Installing the Spare Tire ........................... 404
Pressure Monitor System ......................... 385
Removing the Flat Tire ............................. 404
Removing the Spare Tire and Tools ......... 401
Secondary Latch System ......................... 412
Spare Tire ................................................ 420
Storing a Flat or Spare Tire and Tools ..... 416
Tire Sidewall Labeling .............................. 378
Tire Terminology and Definitions ............... 381
Uniform Tire Quality Grading .................... 395
Wheel Alignment and Tire Balance ........... 396
Wheel Replacement ................................. 396
When It Is Time for New Tires ................. 391
Recreational Vehicle ................................. 300
Towing a Trailer ....................................... 306
Your Vehicle ............................................. 299
Control System (TCS) .............................. 253
Limited-Slip Rear Axle .............................. 254
Recommendations .................................... 320
Fluid, Automatic ....................................... 339
Fluid, Manual ........................................... 342
Up-Shift Light ........................................... 189
Transmission Operation, Automatic .............. 124
Transmission Operation, Manual .................. 126
Trip Odometer ............................................. 183
Truck-Camper Loading Information .............. 299
Turn and Lane-Change Signals ................... 164
Turn Signal/Multifunction Lever .................... 163
Understanding Radio Reception ................... 242
Uniform Tire Quality Grading ....................... 395
Up-Shift Light .............................................. 189