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02 Copyright © Hanmar Motor Corporation 2005
This manual has been prepared to acquaint you with the operation,maintenance and warranties of your new
Roadtrek Motorhome Van.Your vehicle has been designed,engineered and manufactured to provide you with
the utmost in pleasure,dependability and quality.It is important that you read the contents of this manual,that of
the Chevrolet chassis and those of other components,and follow the instructions and recommendations contained
in each to help assure the most enjoyable and trouble free operation of your vehicle.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for selecting a Home & Park product and assure you of our
continuing commitment to your recreational vehicle pleasure,safety and satisfaction.
This manual has been written to provide you with the information required to properly operate and maintain your
new Roadtrek.After reading this manual,be sure to keep it in your vehicle as a reference.Your Home & Park dealer
will be glad to answer any further questions about the operation of your vehicle.
Every reasonable precaution has been undertaken in the preparation of this manual resulting in the utmost
accuracy possible at the time of publication.However,due to the continuing improvement and refinement of our
products and normal changes in information and procedures,Home & Park shall assume no responsibility
whatsoever for errors or omissions in the manual’s contents.
Further,Home & Park shall not be held liable or assume any obligations or responsibilities whatsoever for any loss,
damage or injury directly or indirectly caused by,arising or resulting from,or as a consequence of the use or
nonuse of the information contained herein or the operation or non-operation of any items mentioned herein.And
finally,Home & Park shall be indemnified and saved harmless from all losses,expenses,claims and demands