Heated Washer Fluid -- An Explanation
A heated washer fluid feature is available on a number of
2008 and earlier vehicles. To avoid unnecessary repair and
replacement of components, it's important to understand how
the system is designed to operate.
The heated fluid feature is controlled by a unique button with
a washer icon, not the conventional windshield washer button.
The location varies, depending
on model. It may be located
on the instrument panel or on
the multifunction lever.
To use the heated fluid
feature, depress the control
button, then release. The sys-
tem will then perform four
heated wash/wipe cycles, then
shut off. If the heated fluid
button is depressed a second
time before the wash/wipe cycle is
completed, the system is turned off.
The first wash/wipe cycle may
take up to 40 seconds to occur, depending
on outside temperature. Subsequent
wash/wipe cycles may take up to 20
seconds to occur.
If the wash/wipe cycle does not start
immediately, some owners may depress the button a second
time in an attempt to prod the system to work. This will actually
do the opposite. It will turn the system off, which may be misin-
terpreted as a malfunction.
Before attempting any repairs or replacing any components,
be sure the customer understands proper operation and waits
for the necessary warmup to occur.
– Thanks to Steve Love
Typical heated washer fluid control
Applying RTV to Fuel Pump
Control Module
This information applies to 2009
vehicles equipped with a gasoline
engine and Fuel Pump Control
Module (FPCM).
On rare occasions, a customer may
experience one or all of the following
1. Intermittent crank no start
2. Extended crank
3. Vehicle stall condition
One or all of the following codes:
– P069E, P0230 or U0109 set
in the PCM
– P0606 set in the Fuel Pump
Control Module (FPCM)
These symptoms may be the result
of water intrusion into the Fuel Pump
Flow Control Module due to a disrup-
tion in the case seal.
Check the Fuel Pump Control
Module (FPCM) for fuel control-
specific DTCs (if communication is
possible) before inspecting connec-
tions. Then refer to SI for those fuel
control DTCs. If module replacement
is required, replace the FPCM by
following the Fuel Pump Flow Control
Module replacement procedure in
SI and using the special procedure
below. Also clean or repair the related
connector if necessary.
Before installing the new module,
please follow instructions below to
prevent the vehicle from returning.
1. Clean the backside surface by
wiping or brushing to remove all
dirt, grease, water, etc. Surface
must be clean and dry.
2. Use GM approved RTV sealant
p/n 12378521. (Canada p/n:
3. Apply sealant to the joint
between the aluminum back
plate and the plastic housing.
4. Insure that the sealant fills the
gap in the joint. Work the
sealant into the joint using an
index finger. Leave at least a
4mm wide bead on the surface.
Review the RTV manufact -
urer’s MSDS before use. Wear
chemical resistant gloves. Avoid
contact of RTV with eyes, skin and
clothing. Avoid breathing vapor and
mist. Wash thoroughly after handling.
Do not wear contact lenses.
5. Allow the sealant to cure at
room temperature until it is
firm and rubber like. This will
usually take a full 24 hours
to cure.
6. Install FSCM on vehicle.
– Thanks to Saundra Massingille
This information applies to the 2008
Tahoe and Yukon Hybrid with RPO HP2.
Currently, the Tech 2 has a software
anomaly with the power steering calibration
procedure. When you start the procedure,
the Tech 2 will have you rotate the steering
wheel 90 degrees to the right and then
another 90 degrees to the left before
centering the steering wheel. After you
perform this step and press the continue
button at the bottom of the screen, you will
experience a no-communication screen.
Currently engineering is working on new
software for the Tech 2 to resolve this
concern. Follow the temporary work-around
to perform the power steering calibration.
As soon as you reach the screen that
advises you to rotate the steering wheel left
and then right 90 degrees, immediately
move the steering wheel. There is only a
2 second window to start the test or the
Tech 2 will time out and display a "no
communications" screen when you press
the continue button. Once you make it past
this screen, the rest of the test can be
completed successfully.
If you wait longer than 2 seconds
(for example, the 10 seconds it takes to
read the instruction screen) the test will
time out.
Addition Information:
The last screen will display the
Manufacture Enable Counter reset screen.
This should be needed only if the current
counter displayed on the screen reads
something other than zero.
When performing the Power Steering
Calibration, it is normal for the Driver
Information Center (DIC ) to read "Service
Power Steering System."
– Thanks to Paul Radzwilowicz