Locate the radio you are installing and set the DIP switches according to the chart
Radio Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 Switch 6 Switch 7 Switch 8
Alpine up up down up up up up up
Clarion down down up up up up up up
Denon down up down up up up up up
Eclipse up up up down up up up up
JVC down up down up up up up up
Kenwood up up up up up up up up
Panasonic up down down up up up up up
Pioneer* down up up up up up * *
Pioneer2* down down down up up up * *
Sony up down up up up up up up
• * Note: For Pioneer radios installed with a Pioneer CD Changer or Satellite tuner use the following DIP switch
Without cd changer or satellite tuner – Switch 7 up, Switch 8 up
With cd changer only– Switch 7 up, Switch 8 down
With satellite tuner only– Switch 7 down, Switch 8 up
With cd changer and satellite tuner – Switch 7 down, Switch 8 down
Radio DIP Switch Settings