14 Introduction
User’s Guide Rev.C
INTRO.FM A5 size
Proof Sign-off:
KOW M. Arai H. Tomizawa
K. Nishi
NOC K. Lee
6. Configure the network settings of the print server using
EpsonNet Win/MacAssist.
Configure the print server for TCP/IP, AppleTalk, MS Network,
etc. using EpsonNet WinAssist or MacAssist. For Windows users,
see “EpsonNet WinAssist Configuration Utility” on page 49. For
Macintosh users, see “EpsonNet MacAssist Configuration
Utility” on page 81.
7. Select a printing method.
Select a printing method appropriate for your network
environment and operating system. If you are not sure, see
“Selecting a Printing Method” on page 241 for details.
8. Install the printer driver.
Install the printer driver from the CD-ROM that comes with the
printer. See “Installing the Printer Driver” on page 99 for details.