Computer 93
Condensation on win‐
dows 166
Condensation under the vehi‐
cle 192
Condition Based Service
CBS 229
Confirmation signal 44
Congestion Assistant 145
ConnectedDrive, see user's
manual for Navigation, En‐
tertainment and Communi‐
ConnectedDrive Services
Connecting electrical devi‐
ces 178
Connection for an external
audio device 184
Control Display 18
Control Display, settings 95
Controller 18, 19
Control systems, driving sta‐
bility 131
Convenient opening 38
Coolant 227
Coolant temperature 89
Cooling function 167
Cooling, maximum 167
Cooling system 227
Corrosion on brake discs 192
Cruise control 148
Cruise control, active with
Stop & Go 138
Cruise Control, refer to Active
Cruise Control 138
Cruising range 89
Cupholder 185
Current fuel consumption 90
Damage, tires 218
Data, technical 250
Date 89
Daytime running lights 100
Defrosting, refer to Windows,
defrosting 166
Dehumidifying, air 167
Departure time, parked-car
heating 172
Departure time, parked-car
ventilation 172
Destination distance 94
Diesel exhaust fluid, at low
temperatures 208
Diesel exhaust fluid, having
refilled 208
Diesel exhaust fluid, on mini‐
mum 208
Diesel exhaust fluid, replen‐
ishing yourself 208
Diesel particulate filter 191
Digital clock 89
Dimensions 250
Dimmable exterior mirrors 61
Dimmable interior rearview
mirror 61
Direction indicator, refer to
Turn signals 74
Display, electronic, instru‐
ment cluster 84
Display in windshield 97
Display lighting, refer to In‐
strument lighting 102
Displays 82
Displays, cleaning 247
Disposal, coolant 228
Disposal, vehicle battery 238
Distance control, refer to
PDC 150
Distance information 164
Distance to destination 94
Divided screen view, split
screen 24
Door lock, refer to Remote
control 34
Doors, Automatic Soft Clos‐
ing 40
Downhill control 133
Drink holder, third row of
seats 186
Drive-off assistant 131
Drive-off assistant, refer to
DSC 132
Driving Dynamics Con‐
trol 135
Driving instructions, breaking
in 190
Driving mode 135
Driving notes, general 190
Driving on bad roads 193
Driving stability control sys‐
tems 131
Driving tips 190
DSC Dynamic Stability Con‐
trol 132
DTC driving dynamics 133
DTC Dynamic Traction Con‐
trol 133
Dynamic Stability Control
DSC 132
Dynamic Traction Control
DTC 133
ECO PRO, bonus range 199
ECO PRO display 198
ECO PRO driving mode 198
ECO PRO mode 198
ECO PRO Tip - driving in‐
struction 199
EfficientDynamics 200
Electronic displays, instru‐
ment cluster 84
Electronic Stability Program
ESP, refer to DSC 132
Emergency detection, remote
control 35
Emergency release, door
lock 40
Emergency release, fuel filler
flap 204
Emergency release, parking
brake 73
Emergency Request 239
Seite 256
Reference Everything from A to Z
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