BMW is evaluating various synthetic oils for
inclusion in our list of recommended engine oils.
For the most current list of synthetic oils, please
contact your BMW center, or call BMW of North
America, LLC. at 1 800 831-1117. You can also
obtain this information from our website,
BMW recommends that you check your engine
oil level whenever you add fuel to your vehicle. If
you need to add oil between oil changes and are
unable to obtain BMW High Performance Syn-
thetic Oil, Mobil 1 or another special oil on the
list, use a synthetic oil with an API rating of SH or
The following maintenance elements must be
performed at the mileage/time stated (time inter-
vals begin from the vehicles production date):
– Brake Fluid Service: Change brake fluid every
two years, or when specified by CBS.
– Oxygen Sensor Service: The oxygen sensor
deteriorates strictly on a mileage basis and
must therefore be replaced at the following
intervals to maximize vehicle fuel economy and
minimize exhaust pollution.
750i, 750Li: 120,000 miles.
760Li: 100,000 miles.
– Spark Plug Service: Replace at 100,000 miles,
or when specified by CBS.
– The engine coolant has a lifetime rating and
does not need to be changed.
For your convenience, you may also wish to have
your BMW center perform any necessary opera-
tions to fulfill any state inspection requirements
in your area concurrent with the maintenance
elements specified above during other repairs.
Make sure that confirmation of maintenance
work is always entered in this Service and War-
ranty Information Statement. You may need this
for any warranty claims that become necessary,
and later on as evidence that your car has been
given the correct and regular maintenance that
justifies its resale or trade-in value.
BMW has applied the most modern technologi-
cal advances not only to the design and produc-
tion of your vehicle, but also to computing of the
optimum maintenance interval for your type of
operations and driving style. Your BMW center
has made a substantial investment in unique
BMW special service tools to enable his BMW
factory trained service technicians to perform
quality repairs on your BMW in minimal time.
Your service technician looks forward to serving
your every service need and to help maximize
your satisfaction with your BMW, its longevity,
and resale value.
Quality Certification I
For a detailed list of items inspected, refer to the
Quality Certification I form provided to the Owner
at time of delivery. A copy of the form is on file at
the selling BMW center.
Special Note
The maintenance requirements for your vehicle
are determined dynamically by the Condition
Based Service (CBS) system . The maintenance
items stated herein reflect the latest information
available at the time of the printing of this state-
ment, and are subject to change. The most cur-
rent maintenance recommendations are available
from your authorized BMW center.
Maintenance summary
The Condition Based Service (CBS) system will
determine the requirement for performance of
the maintenance services described on this and
the following page. These services may be
required either individually or in conjunction with
other maintenance services.