To ensure that you can enjoy the advantages of the BMW Series Convertible all year round, it comes with a retractable hardtop which opens and
closes fully automatically, either via a switch in the centre console, via remote control, or in conjunction with the comfort access system. Thanks to
the design of the roof, water is intelligently routed away and the luggage compartment remains dry even when opening a wet roof. Especially
convenient: the comfort loading and unloading function, accessible via remote control, “freezes” the roof at a defi ned halfway position. This is a
great help when accessing the boot to stow or remove larger luggage items while the top is down. The hardtop system is a pioneer in terms of
weight and torsional stiffness, and thanks to the generous side and rear windows, it also offers an excellent all-round visibility when closed. It picks
up the slender silhouettes and fl owing lines of the car to perfection, and lends it its elegant character and low side profi le. The hardtop’s opulent roof
liner and excellent noise insulation are additional highlights. With its retractable hardtop, the BMW Series Convertible is good to go whatever the
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