bintec RS353a
Subject to technical alterations
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bintec elmeg GmbH - Suedwestpark 94 - 90449 Nuremberg - Germany
Phone: +49 - 911 9673-0 - Telefax: +49 - 911 688 07 25
Software Licenses
VDSL License RS353ax (Annex A)
VDSL license for RS353a/aw (Annex A, ADSL over POTS)
BRRP-RS123x/RS35x-Series (5500001630) Software License for bintec Router Redundancy Protocol (BRRP) for RS123x and
Cobion Content Filter Small (80551) Cobion content filter for RSxxx, Rxx02, RTxx02 series; R230a(w), R232b(w), TR200,
R1200(w/wu), R3000(w), R3400, R3800, R232aw, RV-Series; list price for one year
Pick-up Service / Warranty Extension
Service Package 'small' (5500000810) Warranty extension of 3 years to a total of 5 years, including advanced
replacement for bintec elmeg products of the category 'small'. Please find a
detailed description as well as an overview of the categories on
Product Services
HotSpotHosting 2yr 1 location (5500000861) HotSpot solution hosting fee for 2 year and 1 location
HotSpotHosting 1yr 1 location (5510000198) HotSpot solution hosting fee for 1 year and 1 location
Additional HotSpot location (5510000199) Additional location for the HotSpot solution (551000198, 5500000861) valid for one
bintec 4GE-LE (5530000119) LTE (4G)/UMTS (3G) extension device for router; 1x Gbit Eth; Simcard slot;
Wallmounting; PoE Injector inclusive