AKG Acoustics GmbH
Lemböckgasse 21–
25, P
.O.B. 158, A-1230 Vienna/AUSTRIA, T
el: (+43 1) 86 654-0*, Fax: (+43 1) 86 654-7516,
www.akg.com, e-mail: [email protected]AKG Acoustics GmbH
Bodenseestraße 228, D-81243 München/GERMANY
, T
el: (+49 89) 87 16-0, Fax: (+49 89) 87 16-200, www
.akg.com/de, e-mail:
[email protected]AKG ACOUSTICS, U.S.
914 Airpark Center Drive, Nashville, TN 37217,
U.S.A., Tel: (+1 615) 620-3800, Fax: (+1 615) 620-3875, www
.akgusa.com, e-mail:
[email protected]For other products and distributors worldwide see our website: www.akg.com
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