Congratulations on Your Purchase of a Royale Limousine
Manufactured Where Craftsmanship Counts!
Since 1983 Royale has been manufacturing the nest limousines in the world and
backing each with exceptional service. It is my true belief that Royale’s exceptional
service will encourage you to purchase your future limousines from us. That is why we
have compiled this comprehensive manual; to help you with questions you may have
concerning your new limousine.
Please take a few minutes to review this manual which is full of useful tips, operational
instructions, and wiring schematics. The Table of Contents allows you to easily navigate
to the section of interest by using the built-in links. There are also embedded quick links
so you can contact us should you have any questions.
I welcome your comments as we are constantly striving to improve our processes,
products and service.
Congratulations and enjoy your new limousine hand-crafted and manufactured
by Royale.
Best Regards,
Cabot Smith