DIP Switch Number 1
This switch selects the speed of the default color
wheel pattern. This is the pattern that emulates a
standard motorized color wheel illuminator; in that
all ports are the same color at the same time, and
the colors morph from one to another in unison. If
the DIP switch is up, the medium motor speed is
selected. If the DIP switch is down, the slow motor
speed is selected.
DIP Switch Number 2
This switch selects the speed of the alternating
ports color wheel pattern (a pattern that is part of
the rotating show patterns). This is the pattern
that is similar to a standard motorized color wheel
illuminator, except that all ports are not the same
color at the same time they are alternating colors. If
the DIP switch is up, the medium motor speed is
selected. If the DIP switch is down, the slow motor
speed is selected.
DIP Switch Number 3
This selects whether the motor control voltage
(if attached) affects the illuminator. If the DIP
switch is up, the motor control voltage causes the
microprocessor to step through the built-in color
patterns or color shows. Every time the voltage
on the wire changes, the next pattern in rotation is
selected, in this way the functioning as a remote
pattern selector. If the DIP switch is down then the
motor control voltage acts as a traditional motorized
color wheel (i.e. as a “color stop” control), allowing
the color change to stop at random under control of
the wire voltage.
DIP Switch Number 4
This switch has no function in this release.
DIP Switch Functions
DIP Switch Settings
NOTE: The DIP Switch as illustrated above has all
switches in the “Up” position. On most Switches,
“Down” is also marked as “On.”
Record your custom settings here.
Dip Switch
2 3 4
Dip Switch
2 3 4
Dip Switch
2 3 4
Dip Switch
2 3 4
Dip Switch
2 3 4
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Factory Default Settings