This Workshop Manual has been compiled in an endeavour to assist service
personnel responsible for maintenance and overhaul, in properly maintaining
the high standard of engineering achieved in the production of the Rolls-Royce
Silver Cloud II and Bentley S.2 cars.
The book is copiously illustrated with photographs and orthographic
reproductions which are suitably annotated in order to provide quick reference
with minimum searching.
Although all information contained in the Manual was correct when going
to print, modifications which may subsequently develop will be kept up to date
by means of Service Bulletins.
Information given in the latest Bulletin will supersede that given in
the Section of the Manual to which it refers, until such time as the Manual is
re-issued with the necessary amendments.
Personnel of Rolls-Royce Service Departments at Hythe Road, Willesden,
London, N.W.10, and at Pym's Lane, Crewe, are always prepared to answer
queries or give advice on individual servicing problems, but it will assist
them if queries are accompanied by the chassis number of the car.