Release Version 6/12/13
Notes on Roadtrek Electrical Simulator
Use at your own risk. This simulator and these notes are not a substitute for professional
advice. Damage to your RV could occur if you do not follow the instructions provided by
Roadtrek. As an independent owner, the author developed the simulator and this
document to help answer questions posed by other owners.
The information provided here is offered, "as is" with no implied warranty as to the
accuracy or applicability to any of the Roadtrek vehicles and is intended for educational
purposes only.
Working on the electrical system in a motor home entails risks
even with the low voltage wiring. The risks include death,
serious injury and property damage. The AC line voltages can
kill by inducing cardiac ventricular fibrillation. Lead Acid
batteries store tremendous energy and can cause thermal and
acid burns. Batteries produce hydrogen gas which can explode.
The risk of fire must also be considered with the presence of
solid, liquid and gaseous combustible materials. The user must
take full responsibility and assess if he or she is qualified to use
this information.
The electrical system in your “mobile self contained living unit” is surprisingly complex.
There are multiple energy sources and both high and low voltage wiring. It’s no wonder
lots of folks are confused!
It’s my hope that this effort will enlighten both owners and professionals. I know that I’ve
been enlightened! Please let me know what you think and pass on your experiences.
When I first set out to build this simulator, I along with many others thought incorrectly
that all of these machines worked about the same way with only minor differences. Oh
how wrong I was!