A battery separator looks like this:
On the Sprinters I’ve looked at, the separator is located on the firewall on the driver side
of the engine compartment and is clearly visible when you open the hood. I don’t know
where it’s located on other vehicles.
The next question addresses the connection of the converter/charger to the battery.
Some of the schematics do not show the correct connection. The converter/charger can
The converter/charger output can connect to the RV battery directly (configuration #2) or
indirectly through the battery disconnect switch (configuration #1). In the period between
about 2005 and 2007, both configurations were used. Prior to this time all of the vehicles
had configuration #1 and after this period they all use configuration #2.
Prior to this time all of the vehicles had the direct connection and after this period they all
use the bypass connection.
There is an easy test to determine how your RV is configured. With the engine off, and
the battery disconnect in the off state, you should have no power to the 12 volt RV
accessories. Now plug the unit into shore power and notice that your microwave display
comes on. If the 12 volt RV lights and accessories can be turned on without touching the
battery disconnect switch, you have the direct connection configuration. If they don’t,
then you have the bypass configuration.
This simulator has a drop down selector and you can directly select one of the four
configurations if you know the answers to the above two questions.
I’ve also included a number of vehicle years and models so you can make the selection
based on the year and model. This is not completely reliable, particularly in the transition
Simulator Operation:
To operate the simulator use the drop down box labeled Model/Year to select your
configuration. The first time you use the selector you will get a warning message. The