ZyWALL 10 Internet Security Gateway
Glossary of Terms W
Trivial File Transfer Protocol is an Internet file transfer protocol similar to FTP (File
Transfer Protocol), but it is scaled back in functionality so that it requires fewer
resources to run. TFTP uses the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) rather than TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol).
Trojan or Trojan
Like the fabled gift to the residents of Troy, a Trojan Horse is an application designed to
look innocuous. Yet, when you run the program it installs a virus or memory resident
application that can steal passwords, corrupt data, or provide hackers a back door into
your computer. Trojan applications are particularly dangerous since they can often run
exactly as expected without showing any visible signs of intrusion.
UDP is a connectionless transport service that dispenses with the reliability services
provided by TCP. UDP gives applications a direct interface with IP and the ability to
address a particular application process running on a host via a port number without
setting up a connection session.
UNIX A widely used operating system in large networks.
(Uniform Resource Locator) URL is an object on the Internet or an intranet that resides
on a host system. Objects include directories and an assortment of file types, including
text files, graphics, video, and audio. A URL is the address of an object that is normally
typed in the Address field of a Web browser. The URL is basically a pointer to the
location of an object.
VPN Virtual Private Network. These networks use public connections (such as the Internet) to
transfer information. That information is usually encrypted for security purposes.
Vulnerability Point where a system can be attacked.
Wide Area Network s link geographically dispersed offices in other cities or around the
globe. Just about any long-distance communication medium can serve as a WAN link,
including switched and permanent telephone circuits, terrestrial radio systems, and
satellite systems.
War Dialer A program that automatically dials phone numbers looking for computers on the other
end. They catalog numbers so that hackers can call back and try to break in.
Warez A term that describes Pirated Software on the Internet. Warez include cracked games or
other programs that software pirates distribute on the Internet
Wire Tapping Connecting to a network and monitoring all traffic. Most wire tapping features can only
monitor the traffic on their subnet.
Worm A program that seeks access into other computers. Once a worm penetrates another
computer it continues seeking access to other areas. Worms are often equipped with
dictionary-based password crackers and other cracker tools that enable them to
penetrate more systems. Worms often steal or vandalize computer data.
(World Wide Web) -- Frequently used when referring to "The Internet", WWW has two
major meanings - First, loosely used: the whole constellation of resources that can be
accessed using Gopher, FTP, HTTP, telnet, USENET, WAIS and some other tools.
Second, the universe of hypertext servers (HTTP servers).