ZyAIR B-4000
Figure 2 ZyAIR Front Panel
Table 2 Front Panel LEDs
PWR On (Green) The ZyAIR is receiving power.
Off The ZyAIR is not receiving power.
WAN On (Green) The WAN port has a connection to your cable or DSL modem.
Blinking (Green) The WAN port is sending or receiving packets.
Off The WAN link is not ready, or has failed.
LAN (1-4) On (Green) The port is connected to a 10/100Mbps Ethernet device.
Blinking (Green) The port is receiving or sending data.
Off The port is not connected to a 10/100Mbps Ethernet device.
WIRELESS On (Green) The ZyAIR has established a wireless LAN connection.
Blinking (Green) The ZyAIR is sending/receiving data through the wireless LAN.
SYS On (Green) The ZyAIR is ready and running.
Blinking (Green) The ZyAIR is upgrading its firmware.
Off The ZyAIR is not ready or has failed.
1.3 Factory Defaults
Table 3 Factory Defaults
Username “admin” (case sensitive) WAN IP Address DHCP Client (dynamic WAN IP)
Password “1234” LAN IP Address