ZyAIR B-4000
Figure 16 Web-based Accounting Setup
Use this screen to set up the user accounts.
Select No in Figure 12 or click Set up
accounting on the ZyAIR in Figure 13 to
display this screen.
Click Preview/Operate to open the Account
Generator Panel (see Figure 17).
A button is a subscriber “profile” defining
maximum Internet access time and charge per
time unit. The button 1 settings also apply to the
button on the “exclusive printer”. The button
numbers correspond to the buttons displayed in
the Account Generator Panel.
Type up to 12 characters to specify the names
that appear on the buttons.
Define each “profile’s” maximum Internet access
time in the Account Usage time field.
Define each “profile’s” charge per time unit in the
Charge field (0.00 default).
Define the number of decimal places allowed (up
to 3) for the total amount charged that appears in
the subscriber’s statement in the Decimals field.
Select how many copies of subscriber
statements you want to print (1 is the default).
Click Customize printout text to open the
Customize Printout Text screen (see Figure
14) to tailor subscriber statements.
Specify the number of hours (1 to 168) to wait
before the ZyAIR deletes an inactive account in
the “Un-used account…” field.
Type a user name and password for the web-based accounting system manager. Retype the password for
confirmation in the Confirm field.
Click Next to continue to Figure 19.