P-660HW-Tx v3 Series User’s Guide
limitations 161
MAC address filter 138, 140, 147, 148, 159
preamble 146, 158
RADIUS server 160
RTS/CTS threshold 146, 158
scheduling 155
security 158
SSID 138, 140, 150, 159
activation 149
status 37
WDS 153, 163
compatibility 153
example 163
WEP 142, 161
key 142
wizard 92
WPA 144, 161
authentication 145
reauthentication 143, 145
WPA-PSK 143, 161
pre-shared key 143
WPS 151, 163, 166
activation 151
adding stations 153
example 168
limitations 169
PIN 151, 153, 164
push button 27, 153, 164
status 151
wireless security 400
Wireless tutorial 45
wizard 83
configuration 86
wireless LAN 92
interference 397
security parameters 408
WPA 144, 161, 404
authentication 145
key caching 406
pre-authentication 406
reauthentication 143, 145
user authentication 406
vs WPA-PSK 405
wireless client supplicant 406
with RADIUS application example 406
WPA2 404
user authentication 406
vs WPA2-PSK 405
wireless client supplicant 406
with RADIUS application example 406
WPA2-Pre-Shared Key 404
WPA2-PSK 404, 405
application example 407
WPA-PSK 143, 161, 405
application example 407
pre-shared key 143
WPS 151, 163, 166
activation 151
adding stations 153
example 168
limitations 169
PIN 151, 153, 164
example 166
push button 27, 153, 164
status 151