P-660HN-Fx User’s Guide
port forwarding 136, 137
activation 140
configuration 138
example 138
rules 139
PPPoA 72, 77, 83
PPPoE 72, 77, 82
passthrough 74
preamble 114, 123
preamble mode 361
pre-shared key 111
Privacy Enhanced Mail, see PEM
private IP address 100
probing, firewalls 152
product registration 401
property, certificates 192
protocol filters 178, 183
activation 179
logs 181
PSK 366
public-private key pairs 207
push button 36, 118
Push Button Configuration, see PBC
push button, WPS 128
PVC 216
PVID 222
QoS 120, 225
802.1Q tags 232, 235
activation 120, 229
bandwidth 229
classifiers 230
activation 230
configuration 230
creation 230
priority 232
CoS 225
DiffServ 236
DSCP 232, 233, 236
example 226
FTP 233
IP precedence 235
monitor 234
priority queue 236
remote node 234
routing policy 232
SIP 233
Quality of Service, see QoS
message types 363
messages 363
shared secret key 363
RADIUS server 125
reauthentication, WPA 112
redirecting traffic 82, 86
product 401
related documentation 3
remote hosts, certificates 199, 207
algorithm 203
exporting 203
importing 200, 201
MD5 fingerprint 203
PEM 203
SHA1 fingerprint 203
types 202
remote management 243
DNS 252
FTP 248
HTTPS 245, 246
ICMP 252
limitations 244
NAT 244
SNMP 248
configuration 251
Telnet 247
WWW 246
remote node 234
reset 36, 297
restart 297
restoring configuration 289, 296
FTP 288
RFC 1483 72, 77, 83
RIP 74, 79, 90, 92, 98, 101
Routing Information Protocol, see RIP
routing policy 232
RTS (Request To Send) 360
threshold 359, 360
RTS threshold 114, 123
rules, port forwarding 139
safety warnings 6
SCEP 190