Quick Reference Card STA RPLUS
Triad Digital Systems
• If your system is programmed for Exclusive
Hold Preference, press the HOLD button once
for Exclusive Hold or twice for Sys tem Hold.
• If your sys tem is programmed f or System H old
Preference, press the HOLD button once for
System Hold or twice for Exclusive Hold.
1. Press the SPEED button twice.
2. Dial the speed bin location.
• 000 to 01 9 = Station Speed numbers
• 020 to 9 99 = System Speed numbers
3. Dial desired telephone number.
4. Press the SPEED button.
5. Press the ON/OFF button to end speed dial
pr og rammin g.
To clear an exi sting spe ed bin:
1. Press the SPEED button twice.
2. Dial the speed bin location.
3. Press the SPEED button again. A confirmation
tone will be heard.
1. Press the SPEED button.
2. Dial the speed bin location,
P res s programmed speed bin butto n.
• 000 to 019 = Station Speed numbers
• 020 to 999 = System Speed numbers
3. When called party answers, pick up handset or
use speakerphone.
Users with display telephones may view a list of
individuals on the telephone system and have the
system automatically dial that person. Directory
Dialing may also be used to transfer a call from one
station to another.
1. Dial the Directory List dial code [680],
P res s the DIR ECTORY DIAL flexib le button .
2. Press a button on the key pad, once, twice or
three times, to represent the letter of the
alphabet, to begin viewing the list of names.
3. Scroll through the Directory List to select a
name as fo llo ws:
• Press [
] to scroll up to next entry,
• Press [#] to scroll down to previous entry.
4. Press the SPEED button at the desired name to
automatically dial the destination station or
outside phone number (via Speed Dial).
To transfer a call usi ng Dire ctory Dialing
1. Pr ess th e TRANS bu tt on .
2. Dial Directory Dial Code [680],
-o r-
Press the DIRECTORY DIAL flexible button.
3. Press the digit associated with the person’s
name. Whe n the name d isp lays, p ress th e
SPEED button to automatically dial the station.
4. Press the ON/OFF button to complete transfer.
Ca lls may o nly be transf erre d to inter nal st ation s.
1. Press the SPEED button twice.
2. Press the flexible button to be programmed.
3. Dial the desired code from the following chart.
A confirmation tone will be heard.
4. Press the ON/OFF butto n.
To erase a fle xible button:
1. Press the SPEED button twice.
2. Press the flexible button to be erased.
3. Press the FLASH button. A confirmation tone
will be heard.
4. Press the ON/OFF butto n.
All Call Page (Internal & External) 700
Bac kground M usic 63 2
Call Back 622
Call Park Location (System) 43+[C]
Call Park Location (Station) 439+[XXX]
Call (Park) Pickup #6+[XXX]
Dial Speed Directory 680
Do Not Disturb 63 1
Extension Numbers - Tr i a d - S 10 0-131
Extension Numbers -Triad 1/2 10 0-171
Extension Numbers -Triad 3 10 0-351
External All Call Page - Triad 1/2/3 76 +[0]
(All External Zones)
External Page -Triad-S 76 +[1]
Last Nu mber R edial [ SPEED]+[#]
Line Queue 621
Personal Park 43 8
Speed Dial Access [SPEED]+[YYY]
Save Number Redial [SPEED]+[
VM Group Pilot Numbers 44 [V]
C = Call Pa rk Locat ion ( 0-7)
V = Voice Ma il Group Num ber (0-7)
XXX = Sta tion Ext en sio n Nu mbers
YYY = Speed Dial B in Num bers
(000-019 Station) (020-999 System)