Introduction 1-3
The STARPLUS Triad-S Telephone System is programmed to meet each
customer’s individual needs. All programming is done at any 24-Button
Executive Telephone as the programming station or through an ASCII
term ina l or PC . The dig ital display model is required f or programming.
When the programming mode is entered, the digital telephone being
used no longer operates as a telephone but as a programming station
with all of the buttons redefined. The keys on the dial pad are used to
enter data fields (Program Codes) associated with system, station, and CO
line features as well as specific data that requires a numeric entry. Flexible
buttons toggle on or off features, or enable entry of specific data fields.
LEDs and the LCD display provide a visual indication of entered data and
their v alue.
Programming is also performed using an ASCII terminal, or a computer
capable of emulating an ASCII terminal. This form of programming is
done locally (on-site) by connecting the terminal directly to the RS-232C
connector on the Miscellaneous Service Unit (MISU) or is performed
remotely (of f-site) through the use o f the optiona l 9600 baud modem.
The method and steps to program the system via a PC are identical to
those used when programming from a digital key set. A button to
keyboard mapping is pro vided (refer to Figure 1-2: Programming Button
Mapping) to help minimize familiarization and training time.
The system must be initialized to load default data into memory at the
time of installation. If this pre-programming is acceptable to the
customer, initialization is all that is needed. Refer to Table 1-1: Default
Va lu e s for a listing of all the default values.
When features are programmed, tones are provided to determine if a
correct or incorrect entry has been made. A solid one second tone
indicates the data was accepted. An interrupted tone means an error was
made. When this occurs, re-enter the data and information. Until new
data is entered and accepted, the system continues to operate under
default or previously entered values.