Thank you for choosing the Ellipsis Jetpack!
Having the Ellipsis Jetpack at your fingertips will allow you to access Verizon’s 4G LTE network
for fast uploads and downloads. You can also connect up to eight Wi-Fi capable devices to the
Internet at once – laptops, tablets, eReaders, gaming consoles and more* - and experience ten
times faster speeds of solid 4G LTE, without dropping down to 3G or other slower speed
System Requirements
Compatible with all IEEE802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi enabled devices.
Works with the latest versions of most browsers**.
* Be aware when multiple users are connected to the device, they are contributing to the total data usage
on your mobile broadband data plan.
** It is recommended to use the latest versions of Internet browsers. Outdated versions may not be
compatible with the Jetpack Web User Interface, http://my.jetpack .