External Control
70 PlasmaWall XP Series Installation/Operation Manual
CUST 1 0x3472 0x3C72 Custom 1 memory preset
CUST 2 0x3473 0x3C73 Custom 2 memory preset
DOWN 0x3446 0x3C46 Down-Arrow ( )
ENTER 0x3444 0x3C44 ENTER
EXIT 0x3474 0x3C74 EXIT (RETURN)
HD 1 0x3451 0x3C51 HD1 video input
HD 2 0x3452 0x3C52 HD2 video input
HDMI 1 0x3453 0x3C53 HDMI1 video input
HDMI 2 0x3454 0x3C54 HDMI2 video input
ISF DAY 0x3471 0x3C71 ISF Day memory preset
ISF NIGHT 0x3470 0x3C70 ISF Night memory preset
LEFT 0x3447 0x3C47 Left-Arrow ( )
LET BOX 0x344B 0x3C4B Letterbox aspect ratio
MENU 0x3443 0x3C43 MENU
OFF 0x3442 0x3C42 Power off
ON 0x3441 0x3C41 Power on
RIGHT 0x3448 0x3C48 Right-Arrow ( )
SVC 0x346D 0x3C6D Virtual Cinema aspect ratio
S-VID 1 0x344F 0x3C4F S-Video 1 video input
S-VID 2 0x3450 0x3C50 S-Video 2 video input
UP 0x3445 0x3C45 Up-Arrow ( )
VIDEO 0x344D 0x3C4D Composite video input
V-WIDE 0x344C 0x3C4C VirtualWide aspect ratio
Table 6-2. RC5 Control Codes for the DHD Controller (continued)
Remote Control
Button Name
RC5 Data
RC5 Data
with Toggle
Bit = 1
Note: These codes assume that the default address of 17 is used. If you change it to something
other than 17, you will need to modify these codes accordingly.