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Check Point QoS Policy
Weights are used to set the relative priority for different traffic flows. Weight is
the relative portion of available bandwidth allocated to a rule or connection.
Bandwidth is allocated dynamically, and only open connections are included in
the calculation. The formula for determining a rule’s portion of the available
bandwidth is:
this rule’s portion = this rule’s weight / total weight of all rules with open
Weights can only be set per rule, not per connection.
A guarantee allocates a minimum amount of bandwidth to the connections
matched with a rule. Guarantees can be defined per rule and per connection.
When guarantees are specified per connection, the Administrator should also
determine how many connections will be permitted. Weights ensure
proportional shares, but only guarantees allow an Administrator to specify an
absolute bandwidth value. Guaranteed bandwidth is allocated before bandwidth
is distributed according to weights.
Limits define the maximum bandwidth that can be assigned to connections
matching a rule. A limit defines a point beyond which connections under a rule
are not allocated bandwidth. A limit can be defined for the entire rule, thus
setting an absolute maximum quantity of bandwidth the rule may consume.
Limits can also be set for each connection matched with a rule.
A default rule is automatically added to each QoS Policy Rule Base. The weight
of the default rule is defined on the QoS screen in Global Properties. The
default rule applies to all connections not matched by other rules or sub-rules.
The default rule can be modified, but it cannot be deleted.