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Setup RadioLinx OPC Server
Date: Dec-08 February 09
B.4. Set up the Remote/Repeater RLXIB-IHW-E – Repeater mode:
A RLXIB-IHW-E Remote/Repeater connects automatically to the best available parent radio
on the network.
o Change the name of the radio to Remote
o Change the SSID name to OPC NETWORK
o Select Repeater.
o Encryption chose WPA-AES and enter the path phrase: 012345678
o Enter the IP Address
Important: The Network SSID and WPA phrase are case sensitive.
Use exactly the same combination of upper case and lower case letters you entered for the
RLXIB-IHW-E Main device, otherwise the Repeater radio will not be able to connect to the
Master radio
Now the new settings are ready, press Apply Changes to valid them.