This guide is intended for qualified technicians who will install, configure and
maintain the KIRK Wireless Server 6000 (KWS6000) Solution. To qualify to
install the KWS6000 Solution, you must have successfully completed the
KWS6000 technical training. The guide provides all the necessary information
for successful installation and maintenance of the wireless solutions.
This includes the installation and configuration of:
• KIRK Wireless Server 6000
• KIRK Media Resource
• KIRK Codec Module
• KIRK Base Station
• KIRK Repeater
• KIRK Handset
The Installation Guide also provides you with information about:
• Web based Administration Page of the KWS6000, media resource and base
Important Information Before You Begin
This guide assumes the following:
• that users have a working knowledge of the call handlers operations
• that the call handler is installed and initialized and is working correctly
• that you have a working knowledge of deployment in general
• that a site survey has been conducted and that the installer has access to
these plans
The site survey should determine the number of handsets and how many
RF channels are needed.