Limited Warrenty/Registration Card
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Title Mr Mrs Ms Other
First Name Last Name
Town State/County
Zip/Post Code Country
Product Details
Model Serial Number
Date Of Purchase Shop where Purchased
Which related magaiznes do you read?
What is the intended use of the speakers? Music Movies Both
Is the purchase - Replacement/additional purchase? Your first purchase
What made you purchase Monitor Audio? Existing Owner Magazine Review
Dealer Recommedation Other please specify
What music do you listen to? Jazz Country Classical Rock/Pop
Your age is? 16- 25 26-35 36-55 55+
Your amp/reciever is?
Your CD/DVD player is?
To validate your warrenty please fill in this card (using block capitals) where
applicable. Alternatively, you can register online at www.monitoraudio.co.uk
Should you wish not to be contacted by us either by post, e-mail or telephone, please tick
this box.
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