MWN-WAPR150N Wireless Router v11.8
Client Filter: Check to enable client filter.
Access Policy: Select one number from the drop-down
menu. Set up to 10 rules (policies).
Enable: Check to enable the access policy.
Clear the Policy: Click “Clear” button to clear all
settings for the policy.
Filter Mode: Click one radio button to enable or disable
to access the Internet.
Policy Name: Enter a name for the access policy
IP Start/End: Enter the starting/ending IP address for
the computer/device you want the policy to apply to.
You must have manually assigned IP addresses to the
clients you wish to control or else the client’s IP address
will change when the lease runs out.
Port No.: Enter the port range based over the protocol
for access policy. If you don’t know the specific Ports you
want to block, enter 1~99999 to block them all.
Protocol: Select one protocol (TCP/UDP/Both) from the
drop-down menu. If you’re unsure, select “Both”
Times: Select the time range of client filter.
Days: Select the day(s) to run the access policy.
10.2 URL Filter Settings