your Access Code.
nother new area available to
parents for the censoring of
program material is through the
TV Guidelines and Movie Ratings
system. Program Content Advisory
data will soon be contained within
the broadcast signals of received
TV programs. When setup by the
parent or viewer, the TV can
respond to transmitted advisory
data by blocking out or denying
access to TV shows (based on
whether the program meets or
exceeds the limitations you select
as viewable). The TV program can
then only be viewed by entering the
correct and current Parental Code
Access number.
The Content Advisory system uses
both “Movie Ratings” and a
“Parental Guidelines” form of
censoring. Refer to the following
page sections for explanations on
the different Rating system levels
and their uses.
Select the CONTENT
ADVISORY Menu option
Menu on screen, move the RED
highlight with the MENU
buttons. Then press the MENU (or
ok) button to select the feature.
A Parental Guideline/Movie Rating
status screen will appear with a
review of currently BLOCKED
Content Advisory categories.
Press the outer MENU ©
button to select the ENTER
ACCESS CODE Menu item.
Enter the correct Parental
Code number on the remote
(touchscreen 2 of 5). Also, see the
note at the top of this page).
screen appears. Parental
Guidelines, Movie Ratings and
other blocking control items are
ready for selection and use.
Note: Please remember that a valid and current Access Code number will be
required in the setup and use of the TV’s “Content Advisory” system. Review the
previous SETUP CODE section on how to obtain a valid Parental Access Code
number before attempting to make adjustments within the Movie Ratings and
Parental Guidelines system.
NOTE: In normal Content Advisory system operation
the TV screen will display a message when
programming is blocked by a Movie Rating, Parental
Guideline, or Blocking Option control feature.
Entering the correct ACCESS CODE number will
unblock all the blocked Content Advisory Rated
channels until the TV is turned Off. The blocked
Advisory Ratings will be back in place when the TV
is turned back On again.