Safety and warranty guide
Do not place any beverages on top of or beside the computer or other attached
devices. If liquid is spilled on or in the computer or an attached device, a short
circuit or other damage might occur.
Do not eat or smoke over your keyboard. Particles that fall into your keyboard can
cause damage.
Electrical current safety information
Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is
To avoid a shock hazard:
• Topreventpossibleshockhazard,donotuseyourcomputerduringa
lightning storm.
• Donotconnectordisconnectanycablesorperforminstallation,
maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.
• Connectallpowercordstoaproperlywiredandgroundedelectricaloutlet.
• Connecttoproperlywiredoutletsanyequipmentthatwillbeattachedto
this product.
• Whenpossible,useonehandonlytoconnectordisconnectsignalcables.
• Neverturnonanyequipmentwhenthereisevidenceofre,water,or
structural damage.
• Disconnecttheattachedpowercords,telecommunicationssystems,
networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless
instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
• Connectanddisconnectcablesasdescribedinthefollowingtablewhen
installing, moving, or opening covers on this product or attached devices.