Hardware Replacement Guide
• Publications
• Troubleshootinginformation
• Partsinformation
• Linkstootherusefulsourcesofinformation
To access this information, go to: http://consumersupport.lenovo.com.
Tools required
To disassemble the computer, you need the following tools:
• Wristgroundingstrapandconductivematforpreventingelectrostatic
• Flatscrewdriver
• Phillipsscrewdriver
• Hexscrewdriver
• Plasticatscrewdriver
• Plastictweezers
Note: Thescrewsforthedifferentcomponentsvaryinsize.Duringthe
disassembly procedure, group the screws with their corresponding
components to avoid a mismatch when replacing the components.
Handling static-sensitive devices
Static electricity, although harmless to you, can seriously damage computer
When you are replacing a part, do not open the static-protective package
containing the new part until the defective part has been removed from the
computer and you are ready to install the new part.
When you handle parts and other computer components, take these precautions
to avoid static-electricity damage:
• Limityourmovement.Movementcancausestatic-electricitytobuilduparound
• Alwayshandlepartsandothercomputercomponentscarefully.Handle
adapters, memory modules, system boards, and microprocessors by the
edges. Never touch any exposed circuitry.
• Preventothersfromtouchingthepartsandothercomputercomponents.