Hardware Maintenance Manual
keyboard. The keys used to perform various tasks are displayed on the
right side of each screen.
Using passwords
By using the Setup Utility program, you can set passwords to prevent
unauthorized persons from gaining access to your computer and data.
See “Starting the Setup Utility program.” The following types of passwords
are available:
• SupervisorPassword
• UserPassword
You do not have to set any passwords to use your computer. However, if
you decide to set any passwords, read the following sections.
Password considerations
A password can be any combination of up to sixteen characters (a-z and
0-9) and symbols. For security reasons, it is a good idea to use a strong
password that cannot be easily compromised. We suggest the passwords
should adhere to the following rules:
• Musthaveatleastsevencharactersinlength
• Containatleastonealphabeticcharacter,onenumericcharacter,and
one symbol
• Containatleastoneofthefollowingsymbols:“;”“:”
• SetupUtilityprogramandharddiskdrivepasswordsarenotcase
• Notbeyournameoryourusername
• Notbeacommonwordoracommonname
• Besignicantlydierentfromyourpreviouspassword
Supervisor password
When a Supervisor Password is set, it deters unauthorized persons from
changing configuration settings. If you are responsible for maintaining
the settings of several computers, you might want to set a Supervisor
After you set a Supervisor Password, a password prompt is displayed each
time you try to access the Setup Utility program.
If both the supervisor and user passwords are set, you can type either