High availability / redundancy
Line monitoring with LCP echo monitoring, dead-peer detection and up to 4 addresses for end-to-end monitoring with ICMP pollingLine monitoring
Enables IPsec VPN based on TCP (at port 443 like HTTPS) which can go through firewalls in networks where e. g. port 500 for IKE is blocked. Suitable
for client-to-site connections (with LANCOM Advanced VPN Client 2.22 or later) and site-to-site connections (LANCOM VPN gateways or routers
with LCOS 8.0 or later). IPSec over HTTPS is based on the NCP VPN Path Finder technology
IPSec over HTTPS
Max. number of concurrent active IPSec and PPTP tunnels (MPPE): 5 (25 with VPN 25 Option). Unlimited configurable connections. Configuration
of all remote sites via one configuration entry when using the RAS user template or Proadaptive VPN.
Number of VPN tunnels
Integrated hardware accelerator for 3DES/AES encryption and decryptionHardware accelerator
Integrated, buffered realtime clock to save the date and time during power failure. Assures timely validation of certificates in any caseRealtime clock
Generates real random numbers in hardware, e. g. for improved key generation for certificates immediately after switching-onRandom number generator
One click function in LANconfig to create VPN client connections, incl. automatic profile creation for the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client1-Click-VPN Client assistant
Creation of VPN connections between LANCOM routers via drag and drop in LANconfig1-Click-VPN Site-to-Site
IPSec key exchange with Preshared Key or certificateIKE
X.509 digital multi-level certificate support, compatible with Microsoft Server / Enterprise Server and OpenSSL, upload of PKCS#12 files via HTTPS
interface and LANconfig. Simultaneous support of multiple certification authorities with the management of up to nine parallel certificate hierarchies
as containers (VPN-1 to VPN-9). Simplified addressing of individual certificates by the hierarchy's container name (VPN-1 to VPN-9). Wildcards for
certificate checks of parts of the identity in the subject. Secure Key Storage protects a private key (PKCS#12) from theft
Automatic creation, rollout and renewal of certificates via SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol) per certificate hierarchyCertificate rollout
CRL retrieval via HTTP per certificate hierarchyCertificate revocation lists (CRL)
Check X.509 certifications by using OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) in real time as an alternative to CRLsOCSP Client
XAUTH client for registering LANCOM routers and access points at XAUTH servers incl. IKE-config mode. XAUTH server enables clients to register
via XAUTH at LANCOM routers. Connection of the XAUTH server to RADIUS servers provides the central authentication of VPN-access with user
name and password. Authentication of VPN-client access via XAUTH and RADIUS connection additionally by OTP token
Configuration of all VPN client connections in IKE ConfigMode via a single configuration entryRAS user template
Automated configuration and dynamic creation of all necessary VPN and routing entries based on a default entry for site-to-site connections.
Propagation of dynamically learned routes via RIPv2 if required
Proadaptive VPN
3DES (168 bit), AES (128, 192 or 256 bit), Blowfish (128 bit), RSA (128 or -448 bit) and CAST (128 bit). OpenSSL implementation with FIPS-140
certified algorithms. MD-5 or SHA-1 hashes
NAT-Traversal (NAT-T) support for VPN over routes without VPN passthroughNAT-Traversal
VPN data compression based on Deflate compression for higher IPSec throughput on low-bandwidth connections (must be supported by remote
Enables VPN connections from or to dynamic IP addresses. The IP address is communicated via ISDN B- or D-channel or with the ICMP or UDP
protocol in encrypted form. Dynamic dial-in for remote sites via connection template
Enables the registration of IP addresses with a Dynamic DNS provider in the case that fixed IP addresses are not used for the VPN connectionDynamic DNS
DNS forwarding according to DNS domain, e.g. internal names are translated by proprietary DNS servers in the VPN. External names are translated
by Internet DNS servers
Specific DNS forwarding
Content Filter (optional)
Activate the 30-day trial version after free registration under http://www.lancom.eu/routeroptionsDemo version
Worldwide, redundant rating servers from IBM Security Solutions for querying URL classifications. Database with over 100 million entries covering
about 10 billion web pages. Web crawlers automatically search and classify web sites to provide nearly 150,000 updates per day: They use text
classification by optical character recognition, key word searches, classification by word frequency and combinations, web-site comparison of text,
images and page elements, object recognition of special characters, symbols, trademarks and prohibited images, recognition of pornography and
nudity by analyzing the concentration of skin tones in images, by structure and link analysis, by malware detection in binary files and installation
URL filter database/rating server
Additional filtering of HTTPS requests with separate firewall entriesHTTPS filter
Filter rules can be defined in each profile by collecting category profiles from 58 categories, for example to restrict Internet access to business
purposes only (limiting private use) or by providing protection from content that is harmful to minors or hazardous content (e.g. malware sites).
Clearly structured selection due to the grouping of similar categories. Content for each category can be allowed, blocked, or released by override
Categories/category profiles
Each category can be given an optional manual override that allows the user to access blocked content on a case-by-case basis. The override
operates for a limited time period by blocking the category or domain, or a combination of both. Optional notification of the administrator in case
of overrides
Features as of: LCOS 8.80