LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50 Chapter 3: Configuration and management
Configuration and manage-
All commands and directory/item names may be abbreviated as long as
no ambiguity exists. For example, it is valid to shorten the ”sysinfo”
command to ”sys” or a ”cd Management” to ”c ma”. Not allowed
would be ”cd /s”, since that could mean either ”cd /Setup” or
”cd /Status”.
Names with blanks in them must be enclosed in double quotes.
Additionally, there is a command-specific help function available by call-
ing functions with a question mark as the argument, i.e. entering “ping
?” displays the options for the built-in PING command.
A complete listing of available commands for a particular device is avail-
able by entering ’?’ from the command line.
3.9 Scheduled Events
Regular Execution of Commands
This feature is intended to allow the device to execute predefined commands
in a telnet-like environment, at times defined by the user. The functionality is
equivalent to the UNIX cron service. Subject of execution can be any
LANCOM command line command. Therefore, the full feature set of all
LANCOM devices can be controlled by this facility.
Application examples include:
scheduled connections
time-dependant firewall rules
set [<name>] ? Show which values are allowed for a configuration item. If
<name> is empty, this is displayed for each item in the
current directory.
show <options> Shows internal data. Run show ? for a list of available
items, e.g. boot history, firewall filter rules, vpn rules and
memory usage
sysinfo Shows basic system information
trace […] Configures the trace output system for several modules,
’How to start a trace’ →page 26
writeconfig Accept a new configuration in ”readconfig” syntax. All
subsequent lines are interpreted as configuration values
until two blank lines in a row are encountered
writeflash load new firmware via TFTP
Command Description