Chapter 3: Configuration and management LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Configuration and manage-
Once LANconfig has finished its search, it displays a list of all the devices it
has found, together with their names and, perhaps a description, the IP
address and its status.
The expanded range of functions for professionals
Two different display options can be selected for configuring the devices with
The 'Simple configuration display' mode only shows the settings required
under normal circumstances.
The 'Complete configuration display' mode shows all available configura-
tion options. Some of them should only be modified by experienced users.
Select the display mode in the View / Options menu.
Double-clicking the entry for the highlighted device and then clicking the
Configure button or the Device / Configure option reads the device's cur-
rent settings and displays the 'General' configuration selection.
The integrated Help function
The remainder of the program's operation is self-explanatory or you can use
the online help. You can click on the 'Help' button top right in any window or
right-click on an unclear term at any time to call up context-sensitive help.