Restoring SLED (preloaded systems only)
To restore SLED, you must use the SLED restore media. To create restore media:
1. Click the SUSE ISO icon on the desktop to go to the /iso folder. This folder contains all ISO
images used to preload your workstation.
2. Follow the instructions in the readme file in this folder to copy the ISO image file onto optical
3. Store the media in a safe place. If your workstation experiences a hard drive failure, use the ISO
recovery images tor restore your operating system.
CAUTION: Restoring the operating system does not restore data. Back up your data using the
method and media of your choice.
Proprietary graphics drivers
Most HP workstations can be ordered with graphics cards that have been through extensive verification
by HP. See the Hardware Support Matrix for HP Linux Workstations at
linux_hardware_matrix for a list of supported cards.
NOTE: Not all graphics cards are available on every workstation. Limitations generally occur for
cards that consume large amounts of power in lower-power workstations.
Proprietary graphics drivers supported by HP and the graphics vendors are available with the HP
Installer Kit for Linux, with the SLED 11 preload on Z series Workstations, and from HP Workstation
Support at
These proprietary drivers are not a standard part of the RHEL or SLED distributions because they are not
open source. Driver revisions more recent than those at the HP support website are supported directly
by the vendor.
Proprietary graphics drivers