History, see Windows Help and Support. From the Start screen, type help, and then select Help
and Support.
If you want to restore the system to a previous state without losing any personal information,
Windows System Restore is an option. System Restore allows you to restore without the
requirements of Windows Refresh or a reinstallation. Windows creates system restore points
automatically during a Windows update and other system maintenance events. Even if you did not
manually create a restore point, you can choose to restore to an automatically created restore
point. For more information and steps for using Windows System Restore, see Windows Help and
Support. From the Start screen, type help, and then select Help and Support.
If you want a quick and easy way to recover the system without losing your personal information,
settings, or the apps that came preinstalled on your computer or were purchased from the
Windows Store, Windows Refresh is an option. This method does not require backing up data to
another drive. See
Using Windows 8 Refresh on page 41.
If you want to reset your computer to its original state, Windows Reset provides an easy way to
remove all personal data, apps, and settings, and reinstall Windows. The Reset recovery tool
reinstalls the operating system and HP programs and drivers that were installed at the factory.
Software not installed at the factory must be reinstalled. Any personal files must be restored from
backups you made. See
Using Windows 8 Reset on page 42.
If the computer is unable to start, you can use the Windows recovery USB flash drive you created
to recover the system. See
Recovery using the Windows 8 recovery USB flash drive on page 43.
If the computer is unable to start and you did not create a recovery USB flash drive or the one you
created does not work, see
Recovery using Windows 8 restore media on page 44.
Using Windows 8 Refresh
IMPORTANT: Refresh removes any traditional applications that were not originally installed on the
system at the factory.
NOTE: You may be prompted by User Account Control for your permission or password when you
perform certain tasks. To continue a task, select the appropriate option. For information about User
Account Control, see Help and Support: from the Start screen type help, and then select Help and
If Windows is responding, use these steps to start Refresh:
NOTE: During Refresh, a list of removed traditional applications will be saved so that you have a
quick way to see what you might need to reinstall. See Help and Support for instructions on reinstalling
traditional applications. From the Start screen, type help, and then select Help and Support.
1. On the Start screen, point to the far-right upper or lower corner of the screen to display the
2. Select Settings.
3. Select Change PC settings in the bottom-right corner of the screen, and then select Update
and Recovery > Recovery from the PC settings screen.
4. Under Refresh your PC without affecting your files, select Get started, and follow the
on-screen instructions.
If Windows is not responding, use these steps to start Refresh:
Backing up, restoring, and recovering Windows 8