2-3-1 Network Pass Through (Bridge Mode)
The Smart Repeater Pro by default creates a separate wireless network. When you
search for wireless networks, you will see your original as well as the Smart Repeater.
Because of these default settings, wireless devices connected to the Smart Repeater Pro
will be on a separate IP range. This may cause issues if you wish to share files, printers
or just be on one network.
If you wish to have the system on one network, you will have to enable “Pass Through
Router Settings” (Network Bridging Mode).
After you check enable, just continue on with the rest of the Quick Setup seteps. At the
end of the setup, after you reboot the system, please be sure to also restart your computer.
After your computer comes back up, select the Smart Repeater Pro as your network.
You should now be able to see your network files and computers all on one system.
Note, by enabling Pass Through Mode, you will not be able to access the web menu
unless your IP Settings match. To set your IP, see section 3-3-1.