could be a compatibly issue that is resolved with a
newer firmware. Refer to section 4-6 for
firmware upgrade instructions.
Smart Repeater Pro is not
responding to me when I
want to access it by web
a. Please check the connection of power cords and
network cables of this Smart Repeater Pro. All
cords and cables should be correctly and firmly
inserted into the Smart Repeater Pro.
b. If all LEDs on this Smart Repeater Pro are off,
check the status of A/C power adapter, and make
sure it’s correctly powered.
c. You must use the same IP address section which
Smart Repeater Pro uses.
d. Are you using MAC or IP address filter? Try to
connect the Smart Repeater Pro by another
computer and see if it works; if not, please restore
your Smart Repeater Pro to factory default settings
(pressing ‘reset’ button for over 10 seconds).
e. Set your computer to obtain an IP address
automatically (DHCP), and see if your computer
can get an IP address.
f. If you did a firmware upgrade and this happens,
contact Hawking Techsupport.
g. Contact Hawking Techsupport for further help.
No connection to the
Internet (Wired Modem
a. Go to “Status” and then the “Internet Connection”
menu, and check Internet connection status.
b. If you connect a computer to the Internet directly
before you installed the Smart Repeater Pro, try to
do that again, and check if you can connect to the
Internet with your computer directly attached to the
device provided by your Internet service provider.
c. Check PPPoE / L2TP / PPTP user ID and password
d. Call your Internet service provide and check if
there’s something wrong with their service.
e. If you just can’t connect to one or more websites,