[ pg. 95]
14.9. Routing
Typically you do not need to setup static routing since the ESR350H usually has adequate routing information after it has been configured for
Internet access. You will only need to set up static routing if the router is connected with a network under a different subnet and you need the static
routing to allow network connection in two different subnets.
Enable Static Routing: Mark the checkbox to Enable Static Routing.
Destination LAN IP: Enter the static IP Address of the remote
network to which you want to setup a static route.
Subnet Mask: Enter the Subnet Mask of the remote network to
which you want to setup a static route.
Default Gateway: Enter the IP address of the Default Gateway
which can connect your router with the remote network through the
assigned static route.
Hops: Enter the maximum hops number of the assigned static route.
Interface: Enter the routing interface (LAN or WAN).
Click Apply to save the settings or Cancel to discard changes.