STEP 4: Click OK to submit these settings.
If you experience difficulty with DHCP mode, you can try static IP mode instead.
In static IP mode, you assign IP settings to your PC manually.
Follow these steps to configure your PC IP address to use subnet 192.168.1.x.
NOTE: The following procedure assumes you are running Windows XP.
However, the general steps involved are similar for most operating
systems (OS). Check your OS support documentation for further
STEP 1: From the Network Connections window, open Local Area Connection (You
may also access this screen by double-clicking the Local Area Connection
icon on your taskbar). Click the Properties button.
STEP 2: Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the Properties button.
STEP 3: Change the IP address to the 192.168.1.x (1<x<255) subnet with subnet
mask of The screen should now display as shown below.