CWA-854HT User’s Guide
2.13. Management: Firmware Upgrade
ebGUI. Follow the steps below. The firmware on the CWA-854HT is upgraded through the W
Make sure you upgrade the correct firmware to the device. Upgrading a wrong firmware to
the device may render it useless.
1. Download the latest firmware version from the product web site at
to display the screen as shown.
field or click Browse to locate it.
2. In the WebGUI, click Management > Firmware Upgrade
3. Specify the location and name of the firmware in the Select File
4. Click Upload to start the firmware upgrade process.
Figure 2-23 Management: Firmware Upgrade
Do NOT turn off during r device the firmware upgrade process. Doing so may render you
5. After the firmware upgrade process is suc OK. The CWA-854HT
automatically restarts to make the change
F Manag
cessful, the screen displays as shown. Click
s take effect.
igure 2-24 ement: Firmware Upgrade: Successful
2.14. Management: Save/Restore Settings
Use the Save/Restore Settings screen to back up the device settings, restore configuration or reset the