In the refrigerator compartment the temperature varies from section to section.
The coldest sections are immediately above the fruit and vegetable drawers, next to the rear
In the deep-freeze compartment where temperatures reach -18°C, frozen foods can be
stored for several months. We suggest the thermostat be set to settings 4 to 5.
The storage time of frozen foods is usually indicated on the package.
If a product starts to defrost it must not under any circumstances be refrozen and must be
consumed as soon as possible. Every drawer and every cooling plate can bear a maximum
distributed load of 20 kg.
To optimize preservation of aromas, substance and freshness, we suggest food be wrapped
in aluminum foil or polythene film and/or placed in special containers with lids.
Do not place glass containers with liquids in the deep-freeze compartment or hot
foods in the refrigerator compartment.
Foodstuffs that tend to absorb odors and tastes, liquids and foods with high alcoholic proof,
must be stored in airtight containers and stood upright.
Only per freezers and appliances with a deep-freeze compartment.
Fill the special containers three quarters with water and place them in the compartment.
Should the pans stick on the bottom of the compartment as they freeze, do not try to
remove them with sharp or pointed objects, as this might damage the appliance, instead use
a spoon handle.
CAUTION: Do not eat ice cubes or ice-lollies immediately after removing them as they might
cause frozen burns.